Back to work. Paula and I began working on a biomonitoring project which ended up being a total pain. Luckily about halfway through a botanist from Spain arrived – Diego – and we were able to finish identifying every tiny little plant in each of our plots. I never thought I would be able to think of a reason that having the highest plant diversity in the world would suck. There you go. Glad I won’t be here next January for the followup, even though the results should be interesting as the vegetation heals from previous disturbance. Diego arrived with his girlfriend Elodie, who is from France and was here to study the geology and soils at Wildcliff. It was awesome to have them here – they are extremely nice, very talkative, love wine, and know how to assert their opinions in a discussion without trying to strike everyone elses down. And there wasn’t the usual couple drama, either.
(This is how excited I was when the biomonitoring project was over...)
To be honest I don’t think anything important happened in January, just lots of work balanced with lots of wine, which we reserved for the weekend, even though every day is the same here. It basically just gave us an excuse to keep track of the days of the week and to look forward to something.
Neoagnostic, deistic naturalist, humanist, secular-taoist, realist idealist, restless spirit, soul searcher, sometimes aimless wanderer, daydreamer, people-watcher, wannabe visionary.
I could also possibly be the luckiest person I know. I have seen much of the world (though nearly not as much as I would like), have an incredibly supportive and loving family, a amazing and studly fiancee, and friends who make me laugh. And a lot more to look forward to...
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