Unfortunately that was the extent of my monkey bonding at the time, but it gave me a huge newfound appreciation for baboons, and Nola invited me back to take care of Caitlin for a few weeks since Peter had been ill and couldn’t care for her as much as she needed. I thought I was going to pee my pants I was so excited…
Friday, July 17, 2009
February 2009
Unfortunately that was the extent of my monkey bonding at the time, but it gave me a huge newfound appreciation for baboons, and Nola invited me back to take care of Caitlin for a few weeks since Peter had been ill and couldn’t care for her as much as she needed. I thought I was going to pee my pants I was so excited…
January 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
December 2008
Belgians left. Americans arrived. Saw much more of the baboons at Wildcliff. Continued with wattle mapping and hating. Met my first Puffadder. Chillin on the front porch waiting to eat the next person who dared enter the house. When he finally left he managed to hide in a little itty bitty patch of grass next to the house and swear to god you could NOT see him. Started walking much slower and watching every place I put my feet.
More hikes to the
I hate these photos of
Christmas trip:
Drove to the Drakensberg mountains with Found out they had a litter of dassies in their backyard (rock hyrax), I had seen them in Cape Town - they're like giant fat guinea pigs that can scale boulders, only they are closer related to elephants than rodents. Crazy stuff. Anyway, I was able to sneak up to spy on them a few times, as long as the dogs didn't tag along.
A few great hiking trips – Thukela Falls via Mont Au Sources and the chain ladders was long and difficult at times but had gorgeous views. Too bad there was a giant damned cloud blocking our view from the top of the 2nd tallest waterfall in the world. The clouds were amazing – Crawling Eye anyone? No?
Too much wine New Years Eve. Had a great time swapping music with Phillip though, I think. Headed to Spoinkop Dam the next day, headache and all, had a lovely braai and went on my first mini game drive. Impala, Nyala, White Rhino, Zebra, Hartebeest, Blesbok, Giraffe, Tseebee, Waterbuck…
Hopped on the bus and headed for the “
So 5 days of paradise at Port St. Johns and
After another day or so on the Baz Bus, ended up in the legendary Jeffrey’s Bay. Wasn’t a great season for waves, but stunning nonetheless. I came to the terribly depressing realization that I will never be a good surfer. Was able to supplement my failures at Magma by watching the pros. Wicked. Had some great conversations at the backpackers with people coming from all over the world to surf Supertubes and Magma. Fell asleep to the sound of the waves every night, woke up to see kite surfers flying past my window every morning. Did NOT want to leave that place.
November 2008
Ended up staying in touch with Bryan (the guy attempting to teach Katrein drums), a funny Brit with a super strong accent and lots of stories.
Mugging – nothing to say. Sucked. Did get to visit Betty’s Bay though, lots of penguins! No photos for obvious reasons. HUGE flood a few days before my return – all the roads were flooded so I had to delay my return a bit. Reminded me of a good Texas flood :)
Keith and Bryce were joined by Paula, Keith’s wife, and Abigail, Bryce’s sister. Adorable family. Keith was in the air force for 20 years and they have known each other since high school, so it gave me hope during the times when I was frustrated about being so far from Luke. Paula studies the baboons at Wildcliff, more specifically their ability to self medicate. She was a bit frustrated at first because the main troop is almost too large to study – they are always very spread out, and its almost impossible to have an ID for every baboon (we estimated that there were about 80 at the time). Had a lovely Thanksgiving back at Wildcliff. We were able to make just about all the traditional dishes – Keith even managed to find a turkey :)

Wednesday, July 15, 2009
October 2008
Two 11 hour flights, an 11 hour layover in
General getting to know Wildcliff month. Started out by going into the field every day by 7:00 with my trusty GPS, mapping the extent of the remaining black wattle trees. Realized that 955 hectares isn’t as small as I expected. Met a lot of new interesting creatures and developed a curiosity for my surroundings that I have never had so such an extent. Began my yearlong quest to learn everything I can about the fynbos and its inhabitants. Changed my new favorite flower at least 5 times every week. Developed a newfound appreciation for beetles.
Took me a while to grow accustomed to the sounds of nature, or the lack of sounds of the city. The
This was an invited change, but one day we heard the squawking again and went outside only to find that a female boomslang was having weaver chicks for supper. He was bringing his meal back down the branches as the other weavers divebombed him, as if that would help save the chick.
She came back once or twice that month, and his arrival was always signaled by the chaotic shrieks, so we were able to witness it most times.
Gorgeous snakes - we also have them in a bright, neon green (males). They have huge eyes, the largest of any African snake. Back-fanged and super venomous, but very shy. I have never heard of someone getting bitten by these guys (aside from the snake handlers and occasional stupid tourist).
Put together a pretty sweet Halloween scavenger hunt for Bryce, the son of the reserve’s manager Keith. The Belgians and I dressed up as the Witches of Wildcliff (our costume options were severely limited) and I learned quickly to not talk about American politics outside of
Began the stages of my hate/hate relationship with black wattle. First stage – ‘aw, but they’re kind of pretty. Such a shame to cut them all down…’ Granted, I arrived when they were blooming. Second stage – pulling out every wattle seedling in sight. Hours each day in the field dedicated to this. Third stage – denial. All hope has faded, nothing is being done, and I was witness to the total destruction of these trees from hell. I wouldn’t make it to the fourth stage until June, so basically I went between the second and third stages for about 9 months.
Don't act so surprised...
in October, but they have all been either forgotten, converted into field notebooks, or burned. I like to think that I can look back on my photos and they will tell my story of the past year, but due to my mugging, camera malfunctions, and general horrid luck in the photographic arena, I’m not sure that I can say that either.
I told a lot of people that I would be keeping a blog during my time in
If you happen to be one of those loved ones, I want to thank you for your support. Sometimes I still pinch myself - it all still seems to good to be true. Please forgive me if I have not kept in touch, I promise to work on that.